
PM Modi: Tea seller to top global leader

Mid-day Online

By Mid-day Online Correspondent
Published Mar 21, 2024

Indian PM Narendra Modi continues to remain at the top spot as the most popular global leader with an approval rating of 78 per cent according to a US survey

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While some dislike his leadership, some believe he is the best leader India has ever had

Photo Courtesy: PTI

Under his tenure as the country’s prime minister, India saw many massive economic, social as well as political reforms

Photo Courtesy: ANI

Some economic reforms include the GST implementation, demonetisation, and initiatives like Make in India to boost manufacturing and job creation

Photo Courtesy: PTI

He has also been active in foreign policy, strengthening ties with countries. His engagements also include multilateral forums like BRICS and G20

Photo Courtesy: ANI

Social reforms like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and Ayushman Bharat were launched under his stewardship

Photo Courtesy: AFP

Similarly, the tenure of PM Modi also saw key legislative changes, some of which include the abrogation of Article 370, triple talaq law, farm laws, and CAA

Photo Courtesy: AFP


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However, a key section of the Indian population also criticises the PM’s stand on economic policies and handling of certain domestic issues

Photo Courtesy: ANI

A majority of the Indian population has also time and again raised concerns about secularism and social harmony under the leadership of PM Modi

Photo Courtesy: AFP

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