
BAFTA sets date for 2025 film awards

20 April,2024 06:25 AM IST | London | ANI
Fans decode Taylor Swift's 'ThanK, aIMee' - Is it a Kim diss track in disguise?

Fans decode Taylor Swift's 'ThanK, aIMee' - Is it a Kim diss track in disguise?

It's been a few hours since the release of Taylor Swift's 'The Tortured Poets Department' and netizens are speculating one song is about her beef with Kim Kardashian

19 April,2024 04:37 PM IST | Los Angeles
Zendaya on what advice she got from Timothee Chalamet

Zendaya on what advice she got from Timothee Chalamet

Zendaya spoke about the advice she got from her 'Dune' co-star Timothee Chalamet before the shoot of 'Challengers'

19 April,2024 07:28 AM IST | Los Angeles | ANI
Rebecca Ferguson on why she left 'Mission Impossible' franchise

Rebecca Ferguson on why she left 'Mission Impossible' franchise

"To speak very clearly -- because I know a lot of people are sad about it, I'm sad about it -- I had filmed three films. My [contract] deal was done"

19 April,2024 07:20 AM IST | Washington | ANI

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