
Mid-Day Premium Dehydration to parasitic infections: Tips to protect pets and strays in summer

Furry beings are more susceptible to health problems during summer. These problems can cause discomfort, pain, and even life-threatening situations. We got vets to share a set of health tips to keep pets and strays safe during this season

25 April,2024 10:30 AM IST | Mumbai | Aakanksha Ahire
Image for representational purposes only. Photo Courtesy: iStock

Psychologist explains how social media is ruining your mental health

    Psychologist explains how social media is ruining your mental health

    In today's hyper-connected world, social media platforms can be both a source of inspiration and a breeding ground for negativity. From FOMO to Body Dysmorphia, social media has come with its own set of challenges posing a high risk to our mental health well-being. In this video, Psychotherapist and trainer - Dr. Arvinder J. Singh (Director, Ashoka Centre for Well-Being) in conversation with Katyayani Kapoor explains how the social media is impacting our mental health and how one can save oneself from the varied challenges arising to our mental health. Our expert guest shares her perspectives and personal experiences, shedding light on the importance of setting boundaries, cultivating self-awareness, and prioritizing self-care in the digital age.

    19 April,2024 07:04 PM IST

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