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Mumbai: Stop demolition or I'll kill myself, man tells BMC squad, booked

Updated on: 04 December,2024 08:08 AM IST  |  Mumbai
A Correspondent |

Occupier allegedly threatened to kill himself to halt razing of illegal structure on Marve Road

Mumbai: Stop demolition or I'll kill myself, man tells BMC squad, booked

The accused (in white shirt and pants) argues with a BMC official

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Mumbai: Stop demolition or I'll kill myself, man tells BMC squad, booked

The Malwani police have filed an FIR against a man named Yogesh Rao for obstructing demolition work and threatening to kill himself to stop the process. The complaint was lodged by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC). 

According to a BMC official, the demolition involved an illegal 1,500-square-foot structure on Marve Road, Malad West. The P North ward team identified the illegal construction during a site visit on November 27 and issued a notice to the occupier on November 29. The demolition was carried out on Monday. 

During the operation, Rao allegedly threatened Pravin Muluk, a sub-engineer with the BMC. “Rao said he would kill himself if the demolition work wasn’t stopped. Despite hiss threats, the demolition was completed after police intervention, said a civic official.  The FIR states that the structure was being constructed illegally, and the occupier had been given time to produce relevant documents but failed to do so.  

The Malwani police have charged Rao under Sections 132, 121(1), 352, and 351(2) of the Bombay Municipal Corporation Act. These charges include causing harm to a public servant and using criminal force against them while they were performing their duties. If convicted, the offender could face imprisonment of two to five years.

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