Perhaps you move to a new country, hoping to escape the shadows of your past-it feels like a fresh start.
Diksha Chhikara
As people traverse through life, they come across several crosses-each bearing a challenge and a discoverable lesson. But one aspect of their wellness is always set aside amid this whole chaos: mental health. For many, physical health takes precedence because the aftereffects are more often visible and thus easier to measure. When we experience pain physically, instinctively, we go to a doctor; when injured, we quickly tend to the wounds. But what about those wounds that are invisible-the battles that silently rage within? In some, mental health makes its presence known in blinding flashes, triggered by voices or stress or unexpected chaos, and then slowly recedes into manageable bouts. For others, it lingers quietly in the background, hidden and dismissed, until it grows into all-consuming silent disorder. These invisible battles are often ignored, as they have no physical symptoms, and thus leave many to suffer in isolation.
The stigma associated with mental illnesses is all-pervasive. Society has a repeated message to the sufferer: "Stay strong andpush through without fuss." This attitude fosters an environment full of silence and isolation, leaving many to fight through their pain alone.
Do you ever feel inside too deep a pit that your thoughts become too much to handle? That's the way many of us interact with anxiety and depression. It's like carrying an invisible weight that no one else can see, but it feels all too real to the one bearing it. A panic attack, really feeling down, almost instantly strikes as we try to shake them off. And the fight wears on. Each day feels like fighting against oneself-against thoughts whispering the untruths of worthlessness and hopelessness.
Perhaps you move to a new country, hoping to escape the shadows of your past-it feels like a fresh start. Starting all over is the chance to put off all that pain somewhere, never to be revisited. But we carry with us in our minds wherever we go. So, no matter how fast we run, the past never let’s go, and the burdens come back. The darkest corner of life isn’t a place but a state of mind-a space we enter daily, fighting for a smile or just to survive the moment. It is a battle fought with so much pain that most people cannot see it. But for those of us who live it, it is infinite.
Where do we proceed from here? How should the healing journey begin? The first step is to embrace the idea that it’s okay not to be okay. Accepting our struggles isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to our humanity. To accept our struggles is not to admit weakness but to attest to our humanity. But it takes more than acceptance for healing to occur it acts in reaching out to loved ones, finding solace in therapy, and permitting ourselvesto be kind to ourselves.
It's also very important that society plays its role in breaking the stigma around mental health. We must create safe spaces Where conversations can take place openly, and we all strive to show a little more kindness.
Remember, every silent battle is a courageous act. And though the journey might be hard, each small step-reaching out for help, finding peace in a moment, or simply surviving the day-is a victory. Together, we can rewrite the narrative: from fighting alone to healing as a community.