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'King's Speech' Oscar damaged by toddler

Updated on: 09 March,2011 01:35 PM IST  | 
Agencies |

'King Speech' co-producer Simon Egan's daughter sent the Best Picture Oscar trophy to hospital after the golden man slipped from her hands and suffered some bruises.

'King's Speech' Oscar damaged by toddler

'King Speech' co-producer Simon Egan's daughter sent the Best Picture Oscar trophy to hospital after the golden man slipped from her hands and suffered some bruises.

The movie team was celebrating their big win at the Oscars with a party when they stopped in their tracks when the prize for the Best Picture tumbled onto the concrete floor.

Lara Egan, the 15-month-old daughter of Simon Egan, was posing for a picture with her father's best picture Oscar when she suddenly she dropped it, the Telegraph reported. "Everybody just stopped and it was quite breathless. She had no clue to the damage she had done," Egan said.

The trophy was damaged considerably and Egan phoned the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences about the accident and was advised to take the statuette to the 'Oscar hospital,' located on the seventh floor of the Academy's Beverly Hills headquarters.

There, Egan says, the Oscar was taken by a glove-wearing woman and returned within 15 minutes, minus the scratches and scrapes that resulted from the fall. Egan now says little Lara is afraid to go near the statuette, which is back to its original glory.

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