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John Mayer: You shouldn't let fashion hurt your feelings

Updated on: 19 January,2019 03:55 PM IST  |  Los Angeles

Singer John Mayer feels people should not let fashion hurt their feelings

John Mayer: You shouldn't let fashion hurt your feelings

John Mayer

Singer John Mayer feels people should not let fashion hurt their feelings. In an interview with GQ magazine, the "Half of my heart" hitmaker talked about the art of fashion and admitted that he never takes fashion too seriously, reports

The singer, who is always in news for his fashion statement, said: "You shouldn't let fashion hurt your feelings. If it does, that's a good indicator that you are taking it way too seriously. Anybody, at any time, should be allowed to wear whatever they like.

"Whether it works or not will be for their future self to make peace with."

According to Mayer, one should not pay much thought while dressing up.

"God knows I have a very well-documented history of attempts. Take a hat, for example. Do you know how many hats you have to wear before you find the one that actually works? Wearing bad hats is the only path to a good hat.

"I'm still trying to fail. I would like to lose on an outfit one out of every ten times. Means I'm trying. Or I'm not. Did you see how my point just crumbled before me? That's what happens when you try to apply too much thought to fashion," he added.

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