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Popular Podcasts for Teens

Updated on: 08 December,2020 12:30 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Check out 6 of the most interesting podcasts for teenagers

Popular Podcasts for Teens

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Teens might not always seem to listen to their parents, but they’re great listeners when it comes to online music and media. With schools shut down, teens have an unprecedented amount of leisure time on their hands. Podcasts are an excellent way to keep teens meaningfully engaged and minimise screen time. If you’re a podcast listener, you know it’s a great medium of entertainment with a range of curated content tailored to your preferences. The global content that is easily accessible is a blessing. We have handpicked six of the most interesting podcasts for teenagers that will entertain, educate, and inform them. 

Life lessons from Harry Potter

The popularity of Harry Potter cannot be truly measured. Rarely does any fiction have such a global impact on readers and audiences. At the heart of it all are characters we empathise with and who inspire us. The Harry Potter and the Sacred Text podcast is a must-listen for fans of the Harry Potter series. While revisiting the original text, hosts discuss themes such as forgiveness, commitment, and revenge touching upon the inspirational and almost-instructional elements from our beloved novels. The podcast gives the listeners much to reflect upon and can act as a soothing balm in today’s tumultuous times. Weekly episodes clock between 30 to 65 minutes. 

Curiosity won’t kill you

Stuff You Should Know is the perfect podcast for everyone curious. You know how you’ve always wondered about random things that might seem far-fetched? Hosts of this podcast get to the bottom of stuff such as the existence of zombies, Satanism, and the Stonewall Uprising, that can pique any teenagers’ interest. Additionally, educational episodes touch upon topics including acid rain, chaos theory, and much more. The hosts’ fun banter makes it much easier to grasp even technical jargon. Episodes range from 12 to 60 minutes.

History mystery 

The podcast Stuff You Missed in History Class is arguably the most interesting one on this list. There is no denying that history is full of weird and intriguing stories that are often unheard of in academic settings. Your teenager doesn’t need to be a history buff to be interested in the ‘flying ambulance’ developed for Napoleon's army or the construction of Disneyland’s Haunted House. From Emperor Ashoka to Mozart’s sister, this global podcast covers it all. With a unique focus on overlooked stories, and underrepresented groups, Stuff You Missed in History Class presents the world on a platter. Leaning towards the longer side, the explanatory episodes are sixteen minutes and upwards. 

Unfiltered advice

We had Chicken Soup back in the day, teens nowadays have renowned young-adult author John Green (The Fault in Our Stars) and his brother, vlogger Hank Green to give them advice. While sharing interesting trivia and weekly news, they offer heartfelt and humorous advice about all the messy aspects that comprise life. The brothers discuss significant matters such as how to find time to do little things, the importance of confidence, and the possibility of separating the art from the artist. Hearing advice from someone whose work they admire can have a deep impact on teenagers. Each episode is longer than 30 minutes. 

Indian classical stories

Narrated by Sameer Goswami, Kahani Suno is a podcast that aims to revive Indian classical stories by reputed literary writers like Jaishankar Prasad and Munshi Premchand. The podcast’s episodes are to the point, some even three minutes short, and keep listeners hooked. Kahani Suno is the perfect way to introduce children to the country’s literary giants at an impressionable age.

Science at play

Science Friday is a podcast for those who have a keen interest in science and technology. It is a reliable platform suitable for teens to stay updated about current events in the world of science and tech and explore scientific concepts that are relevant today. Topics range from climate change, China’s Moon mission to COVID vaccines. Every week two 45- minute episodes covering a wide range of information are released.

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