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Four ways you can celebrate 23 years of Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone film premiere

Updated on: 04 November,2024 11:21 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Kanisha Softa |

Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’s premiere in London. Dive into our essential reading, watching, and listening lists and hear from two Potterheads

Four ways you can celebrate 23 years of Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone film premiere

Daniel Radcliffe in a moment from the movie. Pics Courtesy/Youtube

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Four ways you can celebrate 23 years of Harry Potter and Philosopher’s Stone film premiere


The Psychology of Harry Potter: An Unauthorised Examination Of The Boy Who Lived
Hop on a magic broom and soar into the depths of the human psyche as leading psychologists of the muggle world, unravel and analyse the human mind and motivation by examining the psychological themes and the characters of the beloved book series.

Quidditch Through the Ages

Quidditch Through the Ages
This book is a staple in the wizarding world, and perhaps the most read title in the Hogwarts Library. Readers will discover the early origins of the sport to the modern-day game adored by wizards and muggles alike. This definitive guide covers Quidditch history, iconic teams, common fouls, the evolution of racing brooms, the rules and the breaking of rules making it an essential read for any Quidditch enthusiast. 


Hosts Tiffany O’Malley, Katie and Megan Petras. Pics Courtesy/InstagramHosts Tiffany O’Malley, Katie and Megan Petras. Pics Courtesy/Instagram

Swish and Flick: A Harry Potter Podcast
This book club-style podcast assembles three friends from different Hogwarts houses for a spellbinding, chapter-by-chapter re-reading through the Harry Potter series. The hosts explain their knowledge of the Potter universe from the books and Wizarding World and unravel mysteries and fan theories, while speculating on ‘what-ifs’ by delving into theories and ideas of our own. It involves spoilers.
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A Very Potter Musical

A Very Potter Musical
This musical parody based on JK Rowling’s books and movies begins with reimagining Harry Potter’s second year at Hogwarts with a hilarious and whimsical twist. It captures the wild adventures of the trio from competing in the House Cup Championship to tackling unexpected challenges.

Host Benjamin Carlin in a moment from a video centred on Ron Weasley

Super Carlin Brothers
This dynamic brother duo dives deep into the wizarding world, exploring and reimagining characters, themes, and plotlines from the books and films. From “What if Ron were a Hufflepuff?” to ranking the greatest Harry Potter heroes and venturing beyond Quidditch to explore lesser-known wizarding sports, they offer fresh perspectives to the series. 

Fans’ Corner 

Srushti Daga, 11, Dombivli 

Srushti Daga, 11, Dombivli 
I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone for the first time when I was 10 years old. I tried reading it when I was younger but didn’t find it interesting. Last year, I stumbled upon it again, gave it another shot, and ended up reading all the other books too. 

After finishing the book, I watched the movie, but I preferred the book. The movie left out some of the scenes, especially the fun and light hearted ones. I felt it didn’t flow as naturally as the book did, or capture some of the motives and depth the book had. On the other hand, the casting was spot-on. 

I loved how the actors brought the characters and their traits to life, especially Professor Quirrell, who was even better explained in the book but was cast well in the film. Reading the book let me build my own version of the magical world in my mind, while the movie helped me see it visually and add to my imagination.

Alok Sharma, 43, Goregaon 

Alok Sharma, 43, Goregaon 
I started watching the Harry Potter films and reading the books recently after marrying a Potterhead. Now, along with my kid, I’ve been reading the beautifully illustrated Harry Potter novels by Jim Kay, his illustrations perfectly capture JK Rowling’s descriptions. I also listened to the audiobook of The Philosopher’s Stone by Stephen Fry — it was my first audiobook experience. I watched The Philosopher’s Stone movie in theatres when it was first released in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh. 
I enjoy the movies but prefer the books because they seem to grow and mature with the readers as the series progresses and include more details. Rowling set up the first book almost like a chessboard, with hints and details that appear in later books, which shows how brilliantly planned the entire series is. The story also feels close to home for me. Since we moved cities a lot because of my father’s business, I was often ‘the new kid’, and can relate to Harry. I remember when the casting calls for Harry Potter were announced, even newspapers in Bhilai covered it, which fuelled the excitement, and it was clear how huge the series had become.

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