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16-year-old girl raped while going to fetch water from a hand pump

Updated on: 20 November,2018 11:05 AM IST  |  Muzaffarnagar

The incident took place Monday and a case was registered on a complaint from the girl's brother, Station House Officer, Bhopa, VP Singh said

16-year-old girl raped while going to fetch water from a hand pump

A 16-year-old girl was allegedly raped by a youth when she had gone to take water from a hand pump at a village here, police said Tuesday. The incident took place Monday and a case was registered on a complaint from the girl's brother, Station House Officer, Bhopa, VP Singh said.

The youth, who also made a video of the act, was booked under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, he said.

He is at large and a search has been launched to nab him, Singh said. The complainant said his sister was raped when she had gone to take water from the hand pump at a neighbour's house, the officer said. The youth abducted her and raped her in a room near the hand pump, according to the complainant.

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