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Virat Kohli's county cricket plan was sign of panic?

Updated on: 25 June,2018 02:48 PM IST  |  New Delhi

That's what Sourav Ganguly indicates, but former captain backs current skipper Virat Kohli to hit the high notes in England

Virat Kohli's county cricket plan was sign of panic?

Sourav Ganguly and Virat Kohli

A tough tour of England four years ago made Virat Kohli panicky while preparing for the upcoming series but former India captain Sourav Ganguly is happy that the star cricketer did not end up playing county cricket in his eagerness to be well-prepared.

"Kohli is a fantastic player. He will do well this time. I am happy that he did not play county cricket before the England series. I think he was eager to play county (ahead of the series) because he was panicky after not having a good tour last time around. He is too good a player to miss out this time," Ganguly said. Kohli's much-hyped stint at Surrey was eventually ruled out after he suffered a neck injury.

Before departing to England earlier this week, the Indian skipper felt not playing county could be a blessing in disguise as a break from the game has refreshed him completely.

He has also moved on from what happened in England four years ago. Kohli has been supremely successful in South Africa and Australia, making England a territory to conquer. Ganguly thinks both captain and the team will do well in the five Test series. "India's chances are bright, but England are also in good form. It will be a closely contested series," he reckoned.

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