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MSD declines to play Vijay Hazare quarters

Updated on: 14 October,2018 08:02 AM IST  |  Hyderabad

On Saturday, Jharkhand coach Rajiv Kumar said that Dhoni has decided against playing the quarter-final, contrary to what Prasad had announced

MSD declines to play Vijay Hazare quarters

MS Dhoni

The national selection committee was left embarrassed after MS Dhoni declined to play Vijay Hazare Trophy quarter-finals for Jharkhand on Sunday despite chairman MSK Prasad's announcement couple of days back.

On Saturday, Jharkhand coach Rajiv Kumar said that Dhoni has decided against playing the quarter-final, contrary to what Prasad had announced. "Dhoni feels that it would not be fair for him to join us at this stage, given that the team has done so well and reached the quarters in his absence. He does not want to upset the team balance," Kumar said.

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