Man commits suicide a month after wife ended life

01 December,2020 12:08 PM IST |  Ranchi  |  IANS

The man was in depression ever since his wife had committed suicide

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A man committed suicide a month after his wife had ended her life in Jharkhand's East Singhbhum district on Monday, the police said.

According to the police, Md Shoaib, 46, a resident of Habibnagar colony in East Singhbhum, committed suicide by hanging himself from a ceiling fan. An auto-rickshaw driver by profession, Shoaib has three children. The body has been sent for post-mortem

According to Shoaib's brother, he was in depression ever since his wife had committed suicide. Shoaib's wife, Musrat Naaza alias Asia, 40, committed suicide one month ago following a quarrel with her husband. After her death, Sohaib shifted to his brother's house.

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