Congress objects to Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari flying in Uttarakhand govt plane

31 August,2021 02:02 PM IST |  Dehradun  |  PTI

`Being the Governor of Maharashtra it was the Maharashtra government`s responsibility to send Koshyari in a state plane to Uttarakhand,` Congress media in-charge for Garhwal Garima Dasauni said

Bhagat Singh Koshyari, who is considered the political mentor of Uttrakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami, arrived in the state on Sunday. File Pic

The Congress has taken exception to Maharashtra Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari flying to Dehradun recently in an Uttarakhand government plane, saying it was against norms and a burden on the already debt-ridden state coffers.

"Being the Governor of Maharashtra it was the Maharashtra government's responsibility to send Koshyari in a state plane to Uttarakhand," Congress media in-charge for Garhwal Garima Dasauni said.

She said it put extra burden on Uttarakhand's meagre resources at a time the state was reeling under a debt of Rs 70,000-crore.

"If the chief minister (Pushkar Singh Dhami) was so keen to extend the luxury to his political mentor, then he should have done it on his personal expense rather than putting the extra burden on the state's coffers," she said on Monday.

She also asked Dhami if he will offer the same hospitality to all ex-chief ministers.

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When contacted, state minister Dhan Singh Rawat said the Congress needs to do some self-introspection before speaking on the matter.

"During Congress rule, even party leaders used state planes," he said.

Rawat said it was absolutely appropriate to accord Koshyari the hospitality that was accorded as he was not just a former chief minister but also the serving Governor of Maharashtra, and was coming here as a state guest.

Koshyari, who is considered the political mentor of Dhami, arrived here Sunday.

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