“We don’t really do team meetings anymore", Joe Root ahead of the third match against India

07 February,2024 07:10 AM IST |  Visakhapatnam  |  AFP

England’s Joe Root says team meetings have been replaced by organic conversations on dinner table or while sipping morning coffee

Joe Root. Pic/Getty Images

England under Ben Stokes are not big on team meetings and prefer organic conversations about the game to get the best out of players, says the team's batting mainstay Joe Root.

Root, who is yet to make big runs in the ongoing Test series against India, has fully bought into England's aggressive style of play in the longest format. Their
five-match series against India is locked at 1-1 after the hosts bounced back to trump ‘Bazball' here on Monday in the second Test following India's defeat in the first at Hyderabad.

Best way to learn

"We don't really do team meetings anymore. That's one of the great things about how we do all of our conversations away from the game and just that enjoyment and buzz about spending time with each other," Root told Jio Cinema before the game here.

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"We don't have to sit in a meeting room and I think it's more authentic and more genuine when you can have it around a dinner table. Having a coffee in the morning or whatever, I think that's when you do your best learning," he said.

England found themselves trailing India by 190 runs in Hyderabad before staging a sensational comeback. Here too, they conceded a 143-run lead but were not able to catch up with their opponents.

No change in plans

"Regardless of the result of the game, we're going to play how we know. It's what's given us success for a good period of time. It's what brings the best out of us. We've been in similar situations before.

"The last time we played India in England, in that one-off Test, we were miles behind in the game and we managed to chase that score down. There have been numerous other occasions where we've done things that we never thought we could have done before," said Root.

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