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Harshvardhan Kapoor: With biopics, stakes are high

Updated on: 01 September,2018 06:24 PM IST  |  Mumbai

In the Bindra biopic, directed by Kanan Iyer, Harshvardhan Kapoor will share screen space with his father Anil Kapoor

Harshvardhan Kapoor: With biopics, stakes are high

Harshvardhan Kapoor

Harshvardhan Kapoor, who will be playing the role of Olympic gold medalist Abhinav Bindra, feels the responsibility is more while doing a biopic. In the Bindra biopic, directed by Kanan Iyer, Harshvardhan will share screen space with his father Anil Kapoor.

"With biopic you have to make sure you're doing justice to the person's life story... there is responsibility. When you're portraying someone's life, there is so much more at stake because there are actual people and real feelings involved," Harshvardhan told PTI.

The actor says he is inspired by the passion and commitment of Bindra. Meanwhile, he is happy with the positive response to his last released film "Bhavesh Joshi" on Netflix.

With newer formats of entertainment available now, the actor said audiences are divided.

"I think every film has its audience. In an age of fragmented media platforms, it is only natural for the audience to be fragmented too. As long as the film is being enjoyed and loved, I don't think there is anything to worry about. With the digital landscape changing so dramatically, these shifts are bound to happen."

The Vikramaditya Motwane-directed film did not do that well commercially upon its theatrical release.
"I gave it my all and left the rest up to the audience. As long as the film has longevity that's the most important thing."

Asked if he thinks, "Bhavesh Joshi" should have released on digital platform first, he said, "Maybe it should have, and maybe things worked out the way they did so we could learn more and do better next time. Either way, this has been a tremendous learning for me."

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