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It's a young crowd-pleaser!

Updated on: 18 September,2009 07:08 AM IST  | 
Amul Sharma |

Anjum Rizvi, on his upcoming film, Fast Forward

It's a young crowd-pleaser!

Anjum Rizvi, on his upcoming film, Fast Forward

Anjum Rizvi is a maker who is known to make niche films. that have a simple yet interesting storyline. Most of the time they leave a lasting impression on the audiences. The last movie he produced was A Wednesday and that says it all. His new film Fast Forward is a dance-themed film. Here, Anjum gives a little inside goss about the film.

Why do you only make small films?
I don't make small films or big films intentionally. It all depends on the script and the demands of the story. It's all a coincidence more than anything else.

What's Fast Forward got that A Wednesday didn't?
Fast Forward is a concept-driven filmu00a0- it's a dance movie something the Indian audiences haven't seen on screens here before. We are targetting youngsters with this film. By contrast, in A Wednesday, the script and its characters drove the film. This time around, it's more to please the young crowd than anything else.u00a0

What's next can we expect, are you planning a new film with Neeraj Pandey?
We are planning a new film with Neeraj right now. But he is currently busy with Ekta Kapoor's new movie and once he is done with that we will begin full-fledged work on our movie. Other than that there are numerous projects as wellu00a0 on various scripting levels, which directors are developing for my production company and we are working on that.

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