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Shraddha Kapoor happy to play characters from small towns

Updated on: 25 March,2018 04:30 PM IST  |  Mumbai

According to a source close to the actress, when she approaches a character, Shraddha Kapoor likes to go all out to absorb the role's characteristics

Shraddha Kapoor happy to play characters from small towns

Shraddha Kapoor
Shraddha Kapoor

Shraddha Kapoor, who is juggling between shooting for her upcoming films Batti Gul Meter Chalu and Stree -- both of which are set in small towns -- says she feels privileged to essay characters from the "heart of the country". The actress has been juggling schedules between the small towns of Tehri in Uttarakhand and Chanderi in Madhya Pradesh.

"It's a real privilege to play characters who come from small towns. That's the heart of our country. There is so much to learn and absorb," Shraddha said in a statement.

According to a source close to the actress, when she approaches a character, Shraddha likes to go all out to absorb the role's characteristics. So, she is living locally, learning the local dialect of these places and she is really enjoying this opportunity to explore the remote areas of the country.

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