Almost every second thing that is being said or done in this film reeks of senselessness
Roar: Tigers Of The Sunderbans
U/A; Action
Dir: Kamal Sadanah
Cast: Abhinav Shukla, Himarsha V, Aadil Chahal, Aaran Choudhury, Ali Quli, Naura Fatehi, Pranay Dixit, Subrat Dutta, Virendra Singh Ghuman
To be foolish or not to be foolish is the question in this film. Almost every second thing that is being said or done reeks of senselessness. Everybody except those on the big screen — and the makers behind it — seem oblivious to this fact. A film based in a jungle and involving tigers might sound like an enticing watch but in this case, it isn’t. What’s happening on the 70mm screen is so clumsy that you end up laughing at all the unintended spots.
Set in the thick forests of Sunderbans, a wildlife photographer loses his life to a man-eating white tiger. This prompts his brother from the Army to arrive at the village and find out what happened. This sensible-looking protagonist decides to ‘avenge’ his brother’s death. So he sets out on a chase for the big cat hoping he’d right the wrong. By the way, this is precisely when the movie loses the plot — and how! After all, which self-respecting guy with a defense backdrop would assemble a group of mercenaries in commando attire? To make matters worse, he sets out on two dinghies — that keeps breaking down — through the narrow delta in Bengal in search of his nemesis. Who does that?
That’s just one of the many questions that strike your spinning head and yawning mouth while enduring this clueless film.
The marshy surrounding uplifted by a bit of airbrushing here and there complement the faker-than-fake CGI-maneuvered tiger. To her credit, at least the wild beast was in the character. You can’t say the same about the hamming actors.
Going back to the special effects used in the film, there are moments of awe but they don’t last long. Of course, we can’t expect a Life of Pi here but some of the graphic-enabled scenes are ridiculously designed, to be blunt.
By the time the credit rolls, it’s evident that the intention of the film is to throw light on the depleting number of tigers in the country. But the journey to get the message is too slippery and full of loopholes. However, if you’re looking for a series of inadvertent laughs, then you’ll do just fine.
One of the very few things that works in Roar: Tigers Of The Sunderbans’ favour is that it wasn’t made in 3D. Fortunately.