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When Deshna Dugad impressed Amitabh Bachchan

Updated on: 06 May,2018 07:10 AM IST  |  Mumbai

Deshna Dugad will soon be seen in upcoming Mariam Khan - Reporting Live

When Deshna Dugad impressed Amitabh Bachchan

Amitabh Bachchan
Amitabh Bachchan

Child artiste Deshna Dugad was on cloud nine when megastar Amitabh Bachchan praised her. Deshna will be seen in Thugs of Hindostan with Big B. "There were a few action sequences for me in the movie and Mr. Bachchan came to me that day and said that he was very impressed by me," Deshna said in a statement to IANS.

"I was very happy and touched his feet in return, and continued to do this every day before shooting began. It was the best moment of my life to have received such a huge compliment from Bachchan sir." Deshna will soon be seen in upcoming "Mariam Khan - Reporting Live". She will essay the role of the quirky eight-year-old Mariam. The show will beam on Star Plus.

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