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Sundeep Bhutoria spreads positivity through his poem for daughter Aavya

Updated on: 02 June,2020 07:17 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Mohar Basu |

Sundeep Bhutoria unveiled an inspirational video titled Once Upon A Time for his daughter Aavya Curated with Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and Neelam Muntashir.

Sundeep Bhutoria spreads positivity through his poem for daughter Aavya

Image source: Twitter/@sundeepbhutoria

The pandemic has infused fear and times have definitely been difficult, but the one thing that Culturist, Social Activist, Author, Philanthropist, columnist Sundeep Bhutoria has done is instilled positivity through his poem 'Once Upon a Time' for his daughter Aavya M Bhutoria. Sundeep takes us through life in this pandemic and throws light on the positives this pandemic has bought and how the virus has united people and got them together.

He unveiled an inspirational video titled 'Once Upon A Time' for his daughter Aavya - Curated with Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and Neelam Muntashir. The definition of unconditional love cannot be explained better than the relationship between a father and a daughter. That's exactly what he emits for his daughter through this heart touching poem. A source revealed, during his daughter's first birthday he had compiled letters talking about a father's love and this time the video which is set post the pandemic took Aavya through the current scenario of 2020 and how a better world could emerge from it.

On touching base with Sundeep he stated, “the idea came to me after seeing Tom Foolery (The Great Realisation). So I went ahead and requested Neelam Muntashir along with Grammy award winner Vishwa Mohan Bhatt to come on board and spread this positivity. They happily agreed and Neelam helped me with putting these thoughts together in beautiful words and Vishwa Mohan Bhatt orchestrated the music for it and that's how 'Once Upon A Time' for my daughter Aavya happened."

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