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Chasing the Sun

Updated on: 24 June,2021 08:51 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Tanishka D’Lyma |

Mapping Analemma, an online earth science project with Alisha Vasudev, will guide participants on how to track the movement of the Sun for a year

Chasing the Sun

Mapping the sun’s position on March 30, 2021 at 6.50 am and April 25, 2021 at 6.30 am. Pic Courtesy/Alisha Vasudev

Alish Vasudev, documentary photographer, points out that we’ve all noticed the sun light up a room differently during the course of seasons. These differences might be hard to spot from one day to the next, but if you track the position of the sun for a year and then connect the dots, quite literally, you will arrive at the figure 8, which is called analemma.

Alisha Vasudev
Alisha Vasudev

Her project, Mapping Analemma, will be a year-long exercise where participants photograph the sun from the same spot at least once every month — a different kind of sun salutation. And all one needs is a phone camera and a few minutes. “The main objectives of my work are to demystify earth science and help people gain a better understanding of phenomena that we encounter in our everyday lives,” the Chembur resident shares.

The project consists of three online sessions from June 2021 to June 2022. In the first that will be held this weekend, Vasudev will explain the methodology and conduct a demonstrative mapping exercise. 

Another session will be held at the beginning of the winter solstice in December to discuss progress. The last session will have an exhibition where participants can invite their friends and family, showcase their work and interpret results. But you won’t have to wait till the end of the year to share photographs. There will be monthly updates of participants’ work on Vasudev’s website from August.

Already signed-up are participants ranging from 10-year-old schoolchildren to 68-year-old enthusiasts from India, America and Canada. Vasudev promises fun and interesting sessions to suit all. 

A selected participant of the Women Photograph Mentorship Programme, the 36-year-old’s work tends to focus on human-environment interactions, exploring the ever-present interdependencies. Vasudev explains that her practice is a combination of the things she cares about, which include photography, mapping or cartography, and earth science. She continues that Mapping Analemma covers these three factors as well.

Ruminating about the aim of the project, the photographer says that she wants to be able to facilitate an interaction with the environment, spark conversations and help train participants to become more aware and conscious about it.

On: June 26, 9.30 am
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st: Rs 3,000

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