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This show in Andheri uses unique puppetry ways to narrate four classics

Updated on: 22 July,2023 01:35 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Pooja Patel |

Grey skies and incessant rains damping your child’s spirit? Here’s a fun way to entertain and engage wiht your kid

This show in Andheri uses unique puppetry ways to narrate four classics

Glove puppet performance

In a little dark room in the city, pigs, wolves, lions, mice and wolves come out to share interesting tales of forests, homes, being chased and of victory; to a bunch of toddlers. These enchanting stories are brought to life by using one of the oldest techniques of storytelling — puppetry!  

Hooted1ce and Ethiros Theatre Group are bringing to Mumbai, Let’s Puppet, a show that uses unique puppetry ways to tell four classics — The Three Little Pigs, Jack and the Beanstalk, Little Red Riding Hood, The Lion and the Mouse. Theatre artiste Nishil Kamalan (right), who is also the director of this theatre group, will use various techniques to tell the stories.

Shadow puppet
Shadow puppet

“We are trying to infuse various kinds of puppets in this show. From glove puppets, shadow puppets to UV glow-in-the-dark puppets; it’s going to be an immersive show. We chose these tales as they are relatable to kids, and there are a lot of animals,” Kamalan explains that our show is for children who are above the age of four, and love the sounds of different animals. “We tell them to make the sound of a pig or a wolf or a mouse when they spot the puppets; and this makes it a fun session. It keeps them hooked,” he adds. 

The UV puppets are a hit among the young ones. Kamalan’s team of six use glow-in-the-dark puppets, UV tube lights and also distribute glow hand bands to the audience. “The entire glow-in-the-dark concept makes the children so happy that we also end up having a fun dance session,” the director signs off. 

On: July 22; 5 pm
At: Funkaar, Unit No B 323, Laxmi Business Park, Laxmi Industrial Estate, Andheri West
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Cost: Rs 399

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