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Sounds like a plan

Updated on: 08 February,2022 08:56 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Sammohinee Ghosh |

Amid the prevalent climate crisis, an artiste fights the crippling fear of losing her beloved Mumbai to the sea through this play

Sounds like a plan

Meghana AT in the play

Back in 2019, an artist invited Meghana AT to devise a performance that aligns with the theme, The End of the Anthropocene. Her piece had to find likelihood in the scope of Mumbai, and purposefully approach 15 to 20 viewers in a small art room. The premise to this play and her related readings on climate change — one especially terrifying report being, by 2050, a considerable part of the island city will be under water during the monsoon months — brought about the play, Plan B/C/D/E. Meghana says the play was born while giving form to her climate anxieties. “I will be my mother’s age in 2050, and putting a number to the potential effects of climate destruction motivated me to work on the production,” she adds.

Where would people go when their home town is swallowed up by the sea? Would they still love the sea as much? These questions haunt the writer-performer. A true blue Mumbaikar, Meghana is upset at the possibility of losing her dear city and its natak companies to environmental degradation. She wants her audiences to interact with her, and contest and participate in building survival strategies. “The threats are real, and with each show, I try to present updated information. I try to comprehend the situation from a scientific viewpoint. After the show, I also share links with my viewers so they can be aware about what’s about to come. My presentation is theatrical and the audience will be a major contributor in deciding its course,” Meghana explains. She further says,  during one of her digital performances, the responses on a social media chat box made her realise the power of community support, as three-level interactions came alive organically. “Viewers were relating to the play, they were interacting with me, and also with one another to learn better. And that’s the idea.”
On February 13, 7 pm
At 602, Samarth Vaibhav, Millat Circle, Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri West.
Cost Rs 200

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