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Man beaten to death for mobile theft in Delhi, one held

Updated on: 17 June,2020 09:50 AM IST  |  New Delhi

The accused was previously also involved in an assault case

Man beaten to death for mobile theft in Delhi, one held

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A man was thrashed to death in Hazrat Nizamuddin area in Delhi on Tuesday after he had allegedly snatched a mobile phone of the accused, who has since been arrested, police said. Deceased Gautam was a resident of Gautam Puri. Arrested accused Mehtab, 41, is a resident of Sarai Kale Khan area. He was previously also involved in an assault case.

"The incident occurred around 1 am on June 15-16 night when Gautam snatched the mobile phone of Mehtab, who runs a battery charging shop near Baba Bhure Shah Dargah and ran away. Mehtab however caught hold of Gautam, tied him to an e-rickshaw and thrashed him with an iron rod and plastic pipe," Deputy Commissioner of Police (South East) R P Meena said.

Police said it reached the crime spot after receiving information regarding the murder at the DDA Park. The body recovered at the spot had bruises over the chest, back and thighs," a senior police official said.

Mehtab was arrested, the DCP said and added that Gautam was involved in at least eight cases of burglary and snatching.

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