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Three more held in connection with NRI businessman's death

Updated on: 27 February,2019 07:55 PM IST  | 

With this the total number of arrests in the case has gone up to five. Police had earlier arrested Kavakutla Rakesh Reddy and his aide Dunne Srinivas

Three more held in connection with NRI businessman's death

Hyderabad: Three more people have been arrested in connection with the death of NRI businessman Jayaram Chigurupati, police said on Tuesday.

Early this month, the 55-year-old businessman was found dead in a parked car under mysterious circumstances on a highway in Krishna district in Andhra Pradesh. With this the total number of arrests in the case has gone up to five. Police had earlier arrested Kavakutla Rakesh Reddy and his aide Dunne Srinivas.

Vislawath Vishal, Nenavath Nagesh and Lakshmireddy Subash Chandra Reddy were arrested on Tuesday in connection with the case, a police release said. The initial investigation was conducted by Andhra Pradesh police. However, the case was transferred to Hyderabad on grounds of jurisdiction.

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