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Civic body's budget plan: To complete infra projects

Updated on: 05 February,2011 06:53 AM IST  | 
Rinkita Gurav |

No hike in taxes in populist budget; stress will be on completing existing infra projects before next year's civic polls

Civic body's budget plan: To complete infra projects

No hike in taxes in populist budget; stress will be on completing existing infra projects before next year's civic polls

THE Sena-BJP ruled BMC unveiled what is being widely regarded as a populist budget yesterday, its last ahead of municipal elections scheduled for next year.

There has been no hike in taxes and the civic body, under new Municipal Commissioner Subodh Kumar, has introduced no new infrastructure projects to ensure that the existing ones can be completed by the end of the fiscal. This is being done to showcase the BMC's infrastructural accomplishments before the electorate casts its vote.

BMC Commissioner Subodh Kumar presents a surplus budget to Standing Committee Chairperson Rahul Shewale at the civic headquarters yesterday

"The focus of this budget is on completing existing projects, not starting new ones," said Kumar, adding that changes and extra work in existing projects should be avoided as the corporation won't be able to fund them.

With a total allotment of Rs 21,096.56 crore, the year-on-year increase in budgeted expenditure is a mere 3 per cent over the Rs 20,417 crore allotted last year.

Rs 4,479.93 crore has been set aside for the infra projects, excluding water supply and sewerage ones.

MiD DAY had reported in December about how, with only four months to go in the fiscal year, the BMC had spent only 30 per cent of its allotted budget for infrastructure. It had allotted Rs 4,865 crore, out of which only Rs 1,550 crore was spent by December.

On this the commissioner said, "The budgeted amount has always been more and the expenditure less. This year's budget, however, has been decided with a view to finish all the major projects in time and before the next fiscal year."

A Rs 3,000-crore internal loan to the BMC from the state government, which was supposed to get sanctioned last year, was cancelled. This time, the commissioner has asked for and received a loan of Rs 2,000 crore.

"We cannot say that work has been stopped since we were not getting any help from the state government.

Work needs to be carried out with our own funds and with proper time management. The BMC can take loans but we should avoid it if the work can be carried out with existing revenue."

Sigh of relief

Mumbaikars can heave a sigh of relief as the civic body has not sought to increase its revenue and thereby get funds for the projects by hiking taxes.

BMC standing committee chairperson and Sena corporator Rahul Shewale said, "We want all our projects to be completed this year itself and the budget will help us do this. We also want the work to be in front of the public before the elections."

The infra projects of the city under the BMC include roads, BRIMSTOWAD and upgradation of solid waste management, health services, fire brigade and disaster management, information technology and markets. Repairs to municipal properties and schools are also under its ambit.

Apart from the money allotted for these projects, Rs 3,276.51 crore has been set aside for water supply and sewerage projects. The allotment to hospitals and sanitisation has been increased to Rs 495.04 crore because of redevelopment and provision of adequate facilities at the various municipal hospitals and dispensaries.

Money allotted for:
- Planting trees: Rs 24.50 cr
- Development of 16 theme gardens: Rs 31.67 cr
- Beautification of Mumbai's beaches and shorelines: Rs 16 cr
- Redevelopment of 69 municipal markets: Rs 85.20 cr
- Upgradation of 163 municipal dispensaries: Rs 25 cr
- Revamp of 16 peripheral hospitals: Rs 10 cr
- Modernisation of octroi nakas: Rs 100 cr

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