Students demand LLM question papers in Marathi as they have an option to answer in their mother tongue
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If Marathi law students of Mumbai University have an option to write answers either in English or their mother tongue for the LLM exam, then why can’t the question papers be printed in the regional language as well?
This question has baffled students to the extent that they have started demanding question papers in Marathi as well.
The Student Law Council has written a letter to the varsity in this regard saying that students find it difficult to understand the questions in English and hence have to spend a lot of time behind it.
Not the same with LLM
While students can undertake the LLB course in Marathi, the same option is not available in the case of the Masters course, even though students can answer in their mother tongue for the LLM examination. However, the varsity authorities are of the opinion that they allow students to write in Marathi because they can understand English but express themselves better in the regional language. Students are also complaining about the absence of study material in Marathi.
Lack of study material
A student Harsh Dusane said, “We are being given step-motherly treatment. It is a basic need to have a question paper in Marathi when we are answering in that language.”
Another student Shailesh Ahire said, “If learning in English is so important then even the Bachelor’s course should not be taught in Marathi. Moreover, due to lack of study material in Marathi, we have to manage with whatever is available in English.”
Speaking to mid-day, president of Student Law Council said, “In many other states students can learn law in their mother tongue. I don’t understand why Maharashtra should not be supportive of it. There may be students who are learning law not to practise in court, but to know the constitution of India. Moreover, if students are allowed to pursue the Bachelor’s course in Marathi and then suddenly they have to shift to the English medium for LLM, it becomes extremely difficult for them.”
Law proceedings in English
Director of Law Academy of Mumbai University Dr Ashok Yende said, “Maximum proceedings of law take place in English. Under these circumstances, whether law education should be made available in Marathi is a question. Efforts are being made to make the LLM question papers available in Marathi but due to lack of proper material it is taking time.”