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Maharashtra govt mulls setting up special courts to deal with human trafficking cases

Updated on: 16 September,2021 12:00 AM IST  |  Mumbai

Speaking to reporters after a high-level review meeting, Yashomati Thakur said there have been complaints about human trafficking from other states

Maharashtra govt mulls setting up special courts to deal with human trafficking cases

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The Maharashtra government is contemplating to set up special courts to ensure justice to victims of immoral human trafficking, state Women and Child Development Minister Yashomati Thakur said on Thursday.

Speaking to reporters after a high-level review meeting, Thakur said there have been complaints about human trafficking from other states.

"We have decided that we will coordinate with other states so that women who are rescued in Maharashtra are sent back to their home states with respect and dignity. Similarly, minor girls from other states rescued in Maharashtra will get the benefit of the state government's Manodhairya Yojana," the minister said.

Also read: Maha: Woman whose disappearance led to trafficking probe found

Police personnel from human trafficking cells will be counselled about how they must behave with rescued women, she said.

Thakur further said that the issue of setting up special courts under section 22(a) of the Immoral Human Trafficking Prevention Act was also discussed.

State Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil, state DGP and other officials were present for the meeting, she said. 

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