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Curfew continues without relaxation in Jammu, efforts on to restore nor

Updated on: 17 February,2019 12:59 PM IST  |  Jammu

He, however, said minor stone-pelting incidents were reported at a few places on Saturday but overall the situation was under control

Curfew continues without relaxation in Jammu, efforts on to restore nor

Jammu: Curfew continued without any relaxation in Jammu for the third consecutive day on Sunday even as the Army staged flag march in sensitive areas, officials said. Senior civil and police officers held a marathon meeting with prominent citizens as part of efforts to restore normalcy in the city, they said.

Internal security columns of the Army, which were deployed in the curfew-bound areas, were seen staging flag marches, while dozens of persons were taken into preventive custody to maintain law and order, they said. Curfew was imposed in Jammu city on Friday following massive anti-Pakistan protests and sporadic incidents of violence over the terror attack in Pulwama district of south Kashmir which left 40 CRPF personnel dead on Thursday. "Curfew continues to remain in force in the city and there is no untoward incident reported during the night or this morning," Inspector General of Police, Jammu, M K Sinha, told PTI. He, however, said minor stone-pelting incidents were reported at a few places on Saturday but overall the situation was under control.

"The situation is being monitored and a decision to relax curfew will be taken later in the day after fresh review of the situation," he said. Sinha along with Divisonal Commisioner, Jammu, Sanjeev Kumar Verma and district development commissioner, Jammu, Ramesh Kumar held a marathon meeting with prominent citizens of different faiths here late Saturday evening. The officers appealed to participants to play their role in restoring normalcy in the city and frustrate nefarious designs of elements bent upon dividing people on communal lines. "Anti-national elements have a design to divide people. They want to change the narrative of a terror incident into a communal incident. We need to stand up united and do not fall pray to their propaganda," the IGP said addressing the meeting. He said there is a need to look deeply into the Thursday's terror attack on CRPF convoy.

"There is a game plan behind the killing of our jawans and it is to divide the society," he said, asking participants to guide and counsel youngsters to stay away form the violence and help the administration catch those persons who are trying to vitiate the peaceful atmosphere in the region. The officials said 18 Internal Security (IS) columns of Tiger Division along with air support from White Knight Corps continue to remain deployed in curfew-bound areas including Gujjar Nagar, Janipur, Shahidi Chowk, Talab Khatika, Sidhra and other sensitive areas. While nine columns were deployed on Friday after a requisition by Jammu civil authorities to bring the situation under control, nine more columns were deployed on Saturday. "Helicopters and UAVs of Army also put into operation to monitor the situation.

The proactive approach jointly taken by J&K Police, Civil administration (Divisional Commissioner and District Collector's office) and Indian Army has ensured the situation in control," a defence spokesman had said. The officials said dozens of persons were taken into preventive custody as groups of protesters attempted to defy curfew at some pockets including Janipur and New plot in the city on Saturday. "The police acted promptly and the situation was brought under control," he said. Reports of peaceful candlelight protests were also reported from almost all district headquarters across Jammu region Saturday night to pay homage to martyrs. Authorities have deployed security personnel in strength in sensitive areas across Jammu region to maintain law and order, the officials said.

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