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Hyderabad cops nab three persons, seize Rs 27 lakh in hawala racket

Updated on: 22 February,2018 08:07 PM IST  | 

Acting on a tip-off, police kept watch on a mobile phone shop in the city's Koti area

Hyderabad cops nab three persons, seize Rs 27 lakh in hawala racket

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Police on Thursday busted a hawala racket and apprehended three persons along with Rs 27.9 lakh in unaccounted cash, officials said. The case has been handed over to the Income Tax department for further investigation, officials informed.

Acting on a tip-off, police kept watch on a mobile phone shop in the city's Koti area and caught D Madhusudhan Prasad (65), a senior manager in a construction firm, alleged hawala operator Sohanlal alias Sonu (22) and Kishore Kumar (27), the owner of the shop. A bag containing Rs 27.9 lakh was also found with them, police said.

Police officials said that Madhusudan had confessed that he was going to deliver the money to Sohanlal and Kumar. "The money was to be sent to Delhi, Madhusudan has told us. The prime accused in the case, Balwant Singh, is absconding," police said. On February 12, police here had uncovered another hawala racket and had arrested six persons. Unaccounted cash of Rs 1.48 crore was seized then, officials said.

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