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Kerala records highest single-day spike of 11,755 Covid-19 cases

Updated on: 10 October,2020 09:30 PM IST  |  Mumbai

Vijayan said on Saturday 66,228 samples were tested and there are 95,918 active cases

Kerala records highest single-day spike of 11,755 Covid-19 cases

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Kerala reported 11,755 Covid-19 cases on Saturday, the highest ever single-day spike in the state, said Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan.

"Things are serious as the daily cases are going up. Experts say that the months of October and November are going to be crucial. The test positivity rate has to be kept below 10 and it was done, but now it has gone up.

In our neighbouring states of Karnataka the total tally has crossed 6.66 lakhs, while in Tamil Nadu it is 6.35 lakhs and the total deaths in these states is nearing 10,000,' said Vijayan and said 23 COVID deaths were reported here, taking the total toll to 978.

Vijayan said on Saturday 66,228 samples were tested and there are 95,918 active cases.

"These are crucial times as the density of population in Karnataka is 319, while in Tamil Nadu it is 555 and none must forget in Kerala it is 889 and hence all have to be very careful and cautious," added Vijayan.

By now 1,82,874 people have been cured of the disease, while presently there are 2,80,387 people under observation in various places including 28,673 in hospitals.

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