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Narendra Modi takes a dig at Rahul Gandhi regarding his 'leisure trips'

Updated on: 26 November,2018 01:55 PM IST  |  Rajasthan

Narendra Modi also remembered the tragic terror attacks that shook Mumbai on the same day 10 years ago and vowed to bring justice to the victims

Narendra Modi takes a dig at Rahul Gandhi regarding his 'leisure trips'

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a veiled potshot at Congress president Rahul Gandhi for his often taken holidays, said on Monday that while he gave an account of every decision and trip undertaken by him, there were leaders who went "missing" for a week.

Addressing a campaign rally in poll-bound Rajasthan's Bhilwara city, the Prime Minister said: "Did you ever hear that I took a holiday? Did you ever hear I went somewhere for leisure or was missing for a week? I give an account of each and every decision I take and the work that I do."

Referring to the latest controversy stirred up by Congress commenting on his parents, Prime Minister Modi castigated the leaders of the party for promoting casteism. He said, "When a Prime Minister goes to foreign countries, he only represents the people of India, that is the only caste which others see."

The Prime Minister also remembered the tragic terror attacks that shook Mumbai on the same day 10 years ago and vowed to bring justice to the victims. "The whole world was shaken today (26/11), and Congress back then was giving lessons in patriotism. When the Army carried out surgical strike the country felt proud but the Congress raised questions on it, demanded video proof. India will neither forget 26/11 attack nor forget the perpetrators. Justice will surely be done, I want to assure the country," he said.

Highlighting a decline in terror attacks in Jammu and Kashmir, the Prime Minister said a war has been raged by the Centre to such an extent that terrorists now fear death in crossing into Kashmir.

The 200-member Rajasthan Assembly is scheduled to go to polls on December 7 and counting of votes will take place on December 11.

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