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Two IIT KGP students killed, 1 injured in road accident

Updated on: 03 March,2019 08:05 AM IST  | 

The students, identified as Abhinav, Harshit and Bhabani, were travelling on a motorbike when it collided head-on with a heavy vehicle, an officer of Kharagpur local police station said

Two IIT KGP students killed, 1 injured in road accident

Representational picture

Kolkata: Two students of IIT Kharagpur were killed and another one was critically injured after the motorbike carrying them collided head-on with a vehicle in West Midnapore district, police said on Saturday. The incident happened at Kharagpur town on Friday midnight, the police said."

The students, identified as Abhinav, Harshit and Bhabani, were travelling on a motorbike when it collided head-on with a heavy vehicle, an officer of Kharagpur local police station said.

While Abhinav and Harshit were declared brought dead at two local hospitals, Bhabani was referred to a hospital in Kolkata, the officer said, adding, his condition is stated to be serious.

While Abhinab and Harshit hailed from Uttar Pradesh and Haryana respectively, Bhabani's home is in Rajasthan, the officer said. An investigation has been initiated and efforts are on to trace the killer vehicle, the police officer said.

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