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Yogi Adityanath: Congress encouraged corruption, Naxalism

Updated on: 14 November,2018 04:30 PM IST  |  Raigarh

Adityanath said, "a leader of UP Congress had termed Naxals as revolutionaries which is an insult to the martyrdom of security forces fighting Maoists"

Yogi Adityanath: Congress encouraged corruption, Naxalism

Yogi Adityanath

Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath Wednesday accused Congress of "encouraging
corruption, Naxalism, terrorism and misrule" during its rule in the country. Addressing a campaign rally for the second phase of Assembly polls here, Adityanath also accused Congress of "insulting martyrdom" of security forces engaged in anti-naxal operations by terming Maoists as "revolutionaries". "Congress has done nothing except divide the society on the basis of caste, region, religion and language, he said.

During its 55-year rule in the country, Congress always encouraged poverty, misrule, terrorism, Naxalism and corruption, he said. Without naming UP Congress chief Raj Babbar, Adityanath said, "a leader of UP Congress had termed Naxals as revolutionaries which is an insult to the martyrdom of security forces fighting Maoists". Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP with a slogan of Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas has launched public welfare schemes for the inclusive development of people belonging to all sections of society, he said.

During the Congress rule, mining and forest mafia, cattle trafficking and Naxalism were "at an all-time high" in Chhattisgarh but the BJP government contained all these ills, he said. "Earlier, Rs 100 released from Delhi became Rs 10 on reaching people because the remaining Rs 90 was embezzled by dalals (middlemen ) of Congress. But now it has changed and Rs 100 released by the Modi government remains Rs 100 when the amount reaches people through digital payment mode," he said.

Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan were considered as Bimaru states during the Congress rule, he said. Now, these states are considered among the developed states after BJP government came to power there, he said.

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