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Chandrayaan-3 gets closer to the Moon's surface with another orbit maneuver

Updated on: 09 August,2023 02:27 PM IST  |  Bengaluru

Even closer to the moon's surface. Chandrayaan-3's orbit is reduced to 174 km x 1437 km following a maneuver performed today, ISRO said in a tweet

Chandrayaan-3 gets closer to the Moon's surface with another orbit maneuver


India's ambitious third Moon mission's 'Chandrayaan-3' spacecraft successfully underwent another orbit reduction maneuver on Wednesday, bringing it even closer to the Moon's surface, ISRO said. Post its launch on July 14, Chandrayaan-3 had entered into lunar orbit on August 5.

"Even closer to the moon's surface. Chandrayaan-3's orbit is reduced to 174 km x 1437 km following a maneuver performed today," ISRO said in a tweet.

The next operation is scheduled for August 14, 2023, between 11:30 and 12:30 hrs, it said.

As the mission progresses, a series of maneuvers is being conducted by ISRO to gradually reduce Chandrayaan-3's orbit and position it over the lunar poles.

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