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Covid-19 infected woman gangraped in Patna hospital, dies

Updated on: 19 May,2021 12:00 AM IST  |  Patna

"She had symptoms of Covid-19 and hence we had admitted her in that private hospital. Her health condition was good. She walked into the hospital on May 17," the woman's daughter said.

Covid-19 infected woman gangraped in Patna hospital, dies

Photo for representational purpose

A 45-year-old Covid-19 infected woman, who was allegedly gangraped by 3 employees of a private hospital in Patna, died on Wednesday.

The deceased's daughter claimed that her mother was admitted on May 17 at a prominent private hospital.

"She had symptoms of Covid-19 and hence we had admitted her in that private hospital. Her health condition was good. She walked into the hospital on May 17," the daughter said.

On the same day, she was sexually assaulted by three persons inside the hospital premises. My mother had informed me about the incident. Since then her health deteriorated. I spoke to my relatives and the women's wing of the Jan Adhikar Party (JAP), the victim's daughter said.

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"The hospital administration in the meanwhile shifted her on to a ventilator and took my signature on a form. The doctors said that her health had deteriorated and if she was not shifted on to a ventilator, it would be life threatening for her," she said.

"I suspect that the doctors in the hospital intubated her in the neck so that she would be unable to give her statement to the police. Now, they have declared her dead on Wednesday," she said.

ML Khan, duty magistrate of Patna, said: "We have received a complaint from the deceased's daughter against the hospital administration. The names of the accused are not mentioned in her complaint. We have sent the body for postmortem to ascertain sexual assault."

"The hospital administration declared her dead due to corona infection. Further investigation is on," Khan said.

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