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Massive fire in MP ordnance factory, no casualty

Updated on: 26 March,2017 08:41 AM IST  | 

A massive fire broke out in an ordnance factory here on Saturday evening after a series of explosions of bombs made there, an official said. No casualties have been reported in the incident

Massive fire in MP ordnance factory, no casualty

Jabalpur: A massive fire broke out in an ordnance factory here on Saturday evening after a series of explosions of bombs made there, an official said. No casualties have been reported in the incident.

"The fire broke out in the F-3 section of the factory at Khamaria after a series of explosions caused by bombs manufactured there. The fire has been brought under control. No one was injured," District Magistrate M.C. Chaudhary told IANS.

The officer said a probe has been initiated. Defence Ministry officials said the fire has been controlled to a large extent.

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