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May Day: All you need to know about International Labour Day

Updated on: 01 May,2018 10:52 AM IST  |  New Delhi

It all began with the rise in industrialisation, when the industrialists exploited the labour class and they had to work for up to 15 hours a day

May Day: All you need to know about International Labour Day

May Day: All you need to know about International Labour Day

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New Delhi: Every year, on the first day of the month of May, i.e., May 1, 'International Labour Day' is celebrated to celebrate labourers and the working classes. The day is dedicated to the labourers and workers. Labour Day, happens to be a public holiday in many countries, and is also celebrated as May Day in many European countries. In India, Labour Day is known by the name Antarrashtriya Shramik Diwas or Kamgar Din.

It all began with the rise in industrialisation, when the industrialists exploited the labour class and they had to work for up to 15 hours a day.

Finally, they took the courage to stand united and raise their voice and demanded paid leaves, proper wages and breaks for the workforce.

The day has different story for different countries, however, the main reason behind it remains the same and that is unfair treatment of the labour class.

The first Labour day or May Day was celebrated in India in the year 1923. It was the Labour Kisan Party who had organised the May Day celebrations in Chennai (then Madras).

One of these was organised at Triplicane Beach and the other one was arranged at the beach opposite Madras High Court.

Google is celebrating 'International Labour Day' with its purple coloured doodle, which includes rubber gloves, stethoscope, safety helmets, batteries, nuts and bolts, painting roll-ons, wires, glasses to light torches.

Labour Day in the United States is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers. It has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.

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