Neon signs or lights at certain spots, where construction is on, warning people not to walk under certain areas etc., have to be bright and bold. Visibility tests can be carried out
Representational image. Pic/iStock
Now that poll day is over and done with for Mumbai, it is time to turn the lens to the big challenge for the city, the monsoon season.
While authorities claim they have started work on the most difficult season for the city, we have to now ensure some details are in place to make the wet months safer and better for Mumbaikars. First is signage visibility. Signboards are often obliterated in the rains and become difficult to follow because of the overcast skies.
Neon signs or lights at certain spots, where construction is on, warning people not to walk under certain areas etc., have to be bright and bold. Visibility tests can be carried out.
Some places that need to be cordoned off for whatever reason, need to have strong ropes or barricades so that these cannot be breached or break in the rain. Put prominent boards asking people to not enter these spaces, too. This is especially in case of some excavation or a pit, where water could fill and become especially hazardous for people walking by. The monsoon will also result in a slippery surface, so barricades are doubly important as people may fall into an excavated part.
Traffic markings and marking on pavements, including spaces for parking have to be clear. Paint them now, if they are not seen. One cannot wait for the rains to start. The dividers should have already been painted, so that they are clear for people crossing roads.
Audio systems at all public places have to be in top working order, this becomes imperative during the rains, as with the sound of rain, thunder etc. and lesser visibility overall, hearing announcements that are clear, concise and can be heard is vital. These are just a few basic measures authorities need to get in ship shape with the clock already ticking.