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Canadian radio pranksters duped White House in 2007

Updated on: 02 April,2009 11:51 AM IST  | 
Agencies |

Canadian radio pranksters tricked George W Bush's White House in 2007 into giving them telephone access to the Situation Room to try to speak with the US president, they said.

Canadian radio pranksters duped White House in 2007

Canadian radio pranksters tricked George W Bush's White House in 2007 into giving them telephone access to the Situation Room to try to speak with the US president, they said.

"It was a simple plan," Marc-Antoine Audette of the comic duo Masked Righters of Wrongs said,u00a0explaining they posed as aides to then newly-elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

"We had an accomplice in Paris that re-routed our call from Canada through a line near the Elysee Palace" in case they traced the call, he said.

"We were very surprised that they would give us the direct number to the ultra-secret Situation Room, from where the president controls US forces throughout the world."

The pranksters agreed to a US request not to air their recorded telephone conversations with White House staff until after a change in administration, over security concerns.

The broadcast was aired yesterday by Montreal's CKOI radio station to mark April Fool's Day.

A censored excerpt of the recording begins with one of the jokers asking the White House operator to be transferred to the Oval Office, to try to set up a call between Sarkozy and Bush.

The pair are not dissuaded when staffers question why Sarkozy would want to speak with Bush twice in one day, after having actually just spoken with him an hour and a half earlier.

"I'm with him (Sarkozy) right now and he would like to have a word with the president to give him his support," says one of the pranksters, leading to several minutes of conversation to explain that Sarkozy had since told other world leaders he supported Bush and he wanted to chat about it some more.

Finally, these words from a White House staffer, "Sir, go ahead, the Situation Room is on the line."

The pranksters are then asked to call back in "15-20 minutes" while staff check the US president's availability. "What is the direct number?" asks one of the pranksters. "Sir, I can give you the direct number. Are you ready? It's a local DC number (202)..."

Audette and his partner Sebastien Trudel previously duped Sarkozy, US vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin, singers Mick Jagger, Britney Spears and Paul McCartney, as well as Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

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