Randeep Hooda and Lin Laishram, who recently got married in Imphal on November 29, held a wedding reception in Mumbai. The event was attended by top Bollywood celebrities. The newlyweds looked amazing in a black suit and a dark red saree, capturing the glamour of the celebration. Rekha Bhardwaj and Vishal Bhardwaj were among the celebrity guests at the event. Tamannaah Bhatia & Vijay Varma, Chunky Panday, Javed Jaffrey, Rasika Dugal, Jackie Shroff, Mona Singh, Jeetendra and many others attended the grand wedding reception. Watch the full video for further details.
12 December,2023 02:55 PM ISTThe red-carpet screening of the upcoming film Ardh starring the actor who has one of the best comic timings, Rajpal Yadav, and one of the most well-known television actresses Rubina Dilaik was held in the suburbs of Mumbai yesterday night.
08 June,2022 09:01 PM IST | mumbaiThis week we spotted some of our favourite celebrities at the launch of Cafe in the city. From Sharman Joshi to Jaaved Jaaferi, Rohit Roy and Kailash Kher, here's a look at all those who attended the grand launch of the cafe in Mumbai. Watch this video to find out more.
22 January,2021 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiIn a recent interview with Mid-Day's Supriya Nair, actor Jaaved Jaaferi said that our country has too many problems and if he does a comic role that brings a smile on someone's face, it is indeed a blessing. The actor also revealed the names of his favourite comedians in India and across the globe. Watch this video to find out more.
22 December,2020 12:00 AM IST | MumbaiSoha Ali Khan and Javed Jaffery promote upcoming film 'War Chhod Na Yaar' on popular TV show.
28 September,2013 01:05 PM IST'Bigg Boss 7' Day 28: Sharman Joshi, Javed Jaffrey enter Bigg Boss house
13 October,2013 06:02 PM ISTADVERTISEMENT