
Lindsay Pereira


More respect for bizmen, please

More respect for bizmen, please

We should consider felicitating Indian entrepreneurs more often because they may someday change our lives for the better

18 January,2025 05:15 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Who cares about drivers?

Who cares about drivers?

It’s hard to imagine what bus and train employees, tasked with carrying millions of passengers, must cope with daily

11 January,2025 07:40 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Predictions for the months ahead

Predictions for the months ahead

It may seem futile to come up with a wish list for the year to come, but there’s nothing wrong with a little hope

04 January,2025 07:01 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Another great year of success

Another great year of success

It feels as if we are constantly marching towards a brighter future despite what life on the streets may look like

28 December,2024 06:59 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Between devils and the deep blue sea

Between devils and the deep blue sea

It’s interesting how elections routinely offer us an illusion of choice given the candidates we must pick from

21 December,2024 06:57 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Patriarchy is obviously a myth

Patriarchy is obviously a myth

If it weren’t for our knowledgeable ministers, we would know very little about the world and how it operates

14 December,2024 07:26 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
The startling rise of busywork

The startling rise of busywork

It’s interesting and amusing to evaluate what many of us spend so much time doing, and what it really accomplishes

07 December,2024 07:30 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Are young people still welcome?

Are young people still welcome?

For those trying to rent a home, jumping through hoops and fighting prejudice are still unfortunately part of the struggle

30 November,2024 07:26 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
No secrets between us

No secrets between us

Why is data theft treated so casually when it has the power to affect all our lives in dangerous and unforeseen ways?

23 November,2024 07:18 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira
Preparing for the apocalypse

Preparing for the apocalypse

For a city that ranks high on every list of places vulnerable to climate impact, the absence of panic is baffling

16 November,2024 07:23 AM IST | Mumbai | Lindsay Pereira

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