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Hope they get a second chance, says Darren Lehmann

Updated on: 29 March,2018 08:02 AM IST  |  Johannesburg

CA banned Steven Smith and David Warner for a year, and Cameron Bancroft for nine months. Lehmann conceded that the trio has committed a blunder but said that they were "not bad"

Hope they get a second chance, says Darren Lehmann

Australia's coach Darren Lehmann talks on the phone, after the arrival of the Australian team to OR Tambo International International airport in Johannesburg, South Africa, Tuesday, March 27, 2018. Australia skipper Steve Smith has been suspended by the International Cricket Council for the fourth test match against South Africa for his part in a ball tampering scandal during the third test. Smith admitted some senior players were aware of the tampering attempt. Pic/AP/PTI

After being cleared of any wrongdoing by Cricket Australia in the ball tampering scandal, head coach Darren Lehmann yesterday apologised to fans and asserted that the team would need to improve their behaviour on and off the pitch in order to win back their respect.

"I would like to apologise to the Australian public and the cricket family. What happened on Saturday is not something that is acceptable from the Australian cricket team," Lehmann was quoted as saying by the Australian media. CA banned Steven Smith and David Warner for a year, and Cameron Bancroft for nine months. Lehmann conceded that the trio has committed a blunder but said that they were "not bad".

"The players involved have made a very grave mistake, but they are not bad people. As a coach, you feel for them as people. They are hurting and I feel for them and their families. There is a human side of this. These are young men and I hope people will give them a second chance."

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