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No birthday buzz for Yuvraj Singh, thinking of farmers instead

Updated on: 13 December,2020 10:27 AM IST  |  New Delhi

Yuvraj also urged people to take necessary precautions against coronavirus as the country continues its fight against the pandemic.

No birthday buzz for Yuvraj Singh, thinking of farmers instead

Yuvraj Singh

Former India all-rounder Yuvraj Singh on Saturday turned 39 but instead of celebrating his birthday this year, the 2011 World Cup hero hoped for a "swift resolution" to the ongoing farmers' issues through dialogue.

Yuvraj also urged people to take necessary precautions against coronavirus as the country continues its fight against the pandemic.

"Birthdays are an opportunity to fulfil a wish or desire and this birthday rather than celebrating I only wish and pray for a swift resolution of the ongoing talks between our farmers and our government," Yuvraj said in a Twitter post.

"Undoubtedly, farmers are the lifeblood of the nation and I truly believe that there is no problem which cannot be resolved through peaceful dialogue," he added.
The 2011 World Cup-winning star also distanced himself from his father Yograj Singh's unsavoury comments made earlier this week during a protest rally.

"As a proud Indian, I am indeed saddened and upset by the statements made by Mr. Yograj Singh. I wish to clarify that his remarks have been made in an individual capacity and my ideologies are not the same in any manner," Yuvraj said.

"I also urge everyone to continue taking precautions to fight against Covid-19. The pandemic is not over yet and we need to continue to be careful to defeat the virus completely," he said and ended the post with 'Jai Jawan! Jai Kisan! Jai Hind!'

Thousands of farmers from Punjab and Haryana are camping at various Delhi border points, protesting against the new farm laws, which they claim will dismantle the Minimum Support Price (MSP) system, leaving them at the "mercy" of big corporate houses.

In a show of solidarity with the farmers, some sportspersons from Punjab and Haryana, including Khel Ratna awardee Vijender Singh, have threatened to return the national sports awards they had won.

The agitating farmers' concern is that these laws, aimed at reforming the sector, will eliminate the MSP and mandis that ensure their earning. But the government says the MSP system will continue and the new laws will give farmers more options to sell their produce.

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