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I’m willing to pay the price: Novak Djokovic

Updated on: 16 February,2022 07:11 AM IST  |  London

World No.1 says he is ready to miss out on Grand Slam titles if forced to get vaccinated; insists he is not associated with any anti-vax movement

I’m willing to pay the price: Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic. Pic/Getty Images

World No. 1 Novak Djokovic has claimed he is not anti-vaccination but would rather skip Grand Slams than be forced to get a COVID jab. 

The Serb was deported in extraordinary circumstances on the eve of last month’s Australian Open where Rafael Nadal won a record 21st Grand Slam trophy to move ahead of Djokovic and Roger Federer on the all-time men’s list. 

Djokovic was asked in an interview with the BBC, published on Tuesday, if he would sacrifice taking part in Wimbledon and the French Open over his stance on the vaccine even if it meant he missed out on his chance to move ahead of his rivals and make history. 

‘Aware of consequences’

“Yes, that is the price that I’m willing to pay,” Djokovic said. “I am part of a global sport that is played in a different location every single week, I understand the consequences of my decision. I was prepared not to go to Australia. I understand not being vaccinated today, I am unable to travel to most of the tournaments at the moment.” 

However, his road to defending his Wimbledon title seems clear because as of a few days ago the unvaccinated are no longer required to quarantine in Britain. The French Open in May could also be a possibility. 

The most problematic tournament for Djokovic at the moment is the US Open, where a vaccination certificate is required. But Djokovic says his health comes above making history. “The principles of decision making on my body are more important than any title or anything else. I am trying to be in tune with my body as much as I possibly can,” he said.  Djokovic said he did not want to be associated with the anti-vax movement, but supported an individual’s right to choose. “I was never against vaccination,” he said, adding he had received vaccines as a child. “I’ve always supported the freedom to choose what you put in your body.” Djokovic claims he did not say he was anti-vax when in Australia “because no one asked me for my stance and opinion on vaccination”. 

Djokovic told the BBC he hoped vaccination requirements would change and that he could play for many more years. “I was never against vaccination. I understand that globally, everyone is trying to put a big effort into handling this virus and seeing, hopefully, an end soon to this virus.” 

‘Sad, disappointed’

Djokovic said he was sad with how events played out in Australia, where he spent days in detention at a notorious immigration hotel. “I was really sad and disappointed with the way it all ended for me in Australia,” he said. “It wasn’t easy. The reason why I was deported from Australia was because the minister for immigration used his discretion to cancel my visa based on his perception that I might create some anti-vax sentiment in the country or in the city, which I disagree with.”

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