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Does this mean the end for us?

Updated on: 07 November,2024 07:15 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Dr Love |

Dialogue and patience are both important because even though you are an adult, your mother may be struggling to recognise that

Does this mean the end for us?

Illustration/Uday Mohite

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Does this mean the end for us?

My girlfriend is going abroad for further studies, and it is a two-year course. We have been dating since college and have had our share of ups and downs, but I am worried about this because I have no idea if our relationship will survive. We have always wanted to live together, but the past couple of months have been rough and I don’t know if either of us will be able to pull this off. I spoke to her about this, and she shares my fear. We want to make it work but don’t know if this move will make it impossible. She will definitely return but we may not be together by then and it’s hurting me a lot. What can we do to avoid such a scenario?
You are both committed to being together, and aware of the fact that it may not happen. To be aware of the risks as well as the desired outcome is to say that you want something but aren’t willing to work towards it. Long-distance relationships are hard, but not impossible to manage. All it takes is a desire to maintain your commitment, constant communication, honesty about your feelings, and recognition that arguments can be resolved. Talk about what you are willing to do or not do, and what the other person can do to make this transition easier. Also keep that return date in mind and try taking this one day at a time. If there is a breakdown in communication, always be prepared to try and fix it first, no matter who is at fault. Finally, remind yourselves that this can be done if you both want it badly enough.

How can I get my overprotective mother to be reasonable and let me live my life? She doesn’t even let me go on dates after 9 pm. 
Tell her why her approach can harm your relationship. Dialogue and patience are both important because even though you are an adult, your mother may be struggling to recognise that. 

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