If he understands where you’re coming from, and wants to respect you, he will change his behaviour
Illustration/Uday Mohite
How do I know if a relationship has run its course? I feel as if my boyfriend and I are through, but we still meet on weekends, chat a lot, and act as if this is normal. He knows there is no spark or interest between us, but neither of us wants to be the first to talk about it or ask if we should end this. Maybe it’s just the idea of being comfortable with each other that is preventing us from being honest, but I can’t stop thinking about whether I should spend my time trying to be with someone else instead of wasting more time on a relationship that is definitely not going anywhere and has felt dead for months. I don’t know if he is in denial or just thinks this is how relationships are after two people have been together for a long time. Should I just wait until he speaks up, or until I can’t handle this?
It feels as if you can’t handle it already and are only prolonging the inevitable at the cost of your mental well-being as well as your interests. A relationship involves two people, and you have every right to question where it’s going even if your partner is comfortable with the way things are. To wait for him to speak, or until things deteriorate further, makes no sense because it enhances the possibility of resentment creeping in. Talk about it as soon as possible because time is always precious.
My boyfriend and I got engaged last month after dating for a year, and he seems to have changed since the engagement ceremony. He seems more possessive of me in ways that I didn’t notice earlier. Is this a red flag?
People sometimes change after the nature of a relationship evolves, but it doesn’t have to be a red flag if you can call it out and talk about it. If he understands where you’re coming from, and wants to respect you, he will change his behaviour.
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