It may require you both to seek counselling, because it is a sign that something in your marriage needs to be addressed. It isn’t cause for concern, but it can’t be ignored either
Illustration/Uday Mohite
I feel as if my girlfriend is always lying to me, and I can’t figure out why she does that. I have confronted her repeatedly, but she doesn’t care, and it breaks my heart because it feels as if she doesn’t think of me with the same love or respect that I offer her. She denies this, but her actions are at complete odds with her words. I am getting to a point where I want to end this relationship because I can’t deal with it anymore. Is this a bad idea or should I accept that this is who she is and find a way of coping with it?
It’s not a bad idea to end a relationship that isn’t built on mutual trust or respect. You have told her that this hurts you, and she continues to disregard it, which is all you should focus on. No relationship can survive if one partner lies, irrespective of how big or small the lie in question is. The onus of coping isn’t on you; it’s your partner who has to be more honest. Tell her how you feel about the relationship and, if nothing changes despite that conversation, walk away.
Also read: Should I become more assertive?
I’m not sure about this but I think my husband has a crush on a younger friend of ours and I don’t know what to do about it. This friend visits us often and we have known her for years, so I can’t stop speaking to her just because of my husband. Should I confront him and ask if it’s true? If he admits it, what should I do?
If something bothers you about your husband, you should absolutely ask him about it to avoid any misunderstandings. If he admits to it, you should talk about next steps and what this means for your relationship. It may require you both to seek counselling, because it is a sign that something in your marriage needs to be addressed. It isn’t cause for concern, but it can’t be ignored either.
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