I don’t want an argument which is why I haven’t asked him to stop.
Illustration/Uday Mohite
My boyfriend always sends me screenshots of conversations he has with other women, which doesn’t make any sense. He knows I don’t get jealous, and sometimes feels he does this just to make me feel as if there are other women in his life. Does he want me to get possessive?
Does he want to make me feel insecure and work harder on this relationship? It all sounds strange. I don’t even react these days, but he still does it. I also find it odd that he feels the need to have conversations with other women because it’s not as if they are close friends. How do I deal with this? It’s childish and almost immature for him to act this way when there is no reason for him to do so. I don’t want an argument which is why I haven’t asked him to stop.
If this makes no sense to you, you should definitely ask him to stop. There is nothing to be gained by trying to avoid an argument with someone behaving in a way that makes no sense to you. If he wants a reaction, ask him why he’s doing it and what he expects. If the idea of him chatting with other women for no reason is upsetting, that should be called out as well because you have a right to do that. Either way, don’t let this slide if it’s on your mind, because it should be addressed.
I met someone who said he didn’t feel as if we were a good match. At the same time, he has asked me on another date, and we have gone out three times since then. I’m confused. What does he want, and should I keep meeting him?
What do you want? If you find him interesting, but he doesn’t reciprocate, this is a waste of your time. If he doesn’t know what he wants, ask him if he needs time to figure it out. How long you want to wait is up to you.
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